Seemingly nothing, but actually, they are codependent. It is impossible to experience a insight (guiding thought from within) when we are in a negative mood (state of mind), being fully consumed by anxiety and fear.
One of the proven ways to lift our mood is to engage in aerobic activity, such as brisk walking, running, spinning, rowing and such. It is a scientific fact that by sustaining an elevated heart rate over extended length of time, will cause a release of positive hormones, which change our disposition. And you don’t need to sprint like Usain Bolt, but you do need to get outside your comfort zone and sweat.
So, if you are struggling with making a decision, try this:
Formulate your question in to a short sentence, and once done, let it go.
Lace up and engage in aerobic activity (preferably outdoors) with sustained sweating for at least 45 minutes.
At the conclusion of the activity, ask yourself your question (step 1), and see what is the very first insight that you are becoming aware of. IMHO, it represents your answer.
Good luck and please let me know if you have any questions and/or if you found it helpful.