I have a confession to make: since I can remember myself, I was chubby. The one who could sprint for three feet but not run a distance, the shy one, who always was very self-conscious of my weight. In my late teens, as girls were noticing boys and visa versa, I had shed some pounds, but only for some time, till I got married. In the early 30’s the pounds came back and with the vengeance. So many times I have decided to diet and exercise, and yet, nothing to speak of. The daily grind took over and I grew wider.
And then, in my late 40’s, chronically tired and large, I read an article where Albert Einstein once said: leading by example is not one of the ways - it’s the only way. And something in my mind clicked. You know, one of those moments of epiphany. As a father to three kids who ate too many Happy Meals in their childhood, and yet miraculously remained fit (thank you school sports), I felt in my gut that it’s my last chance to make a difference in their lives. I overcame with guilt. That was my reason, my opportunity to make a long overdue self-correction to the many years of not being able to set a good example and help myself along the way.
To make long-lean-years short, it worked. Now we are eight years later, I’m in my late 50’s in a much better shape and my “sweet-tooth” diet is mostly a part of history. My three children did adapt some of changes we implemented at home, and actually, periodically we participate in very long runs.
What is my point, you ask? The point is if you are facing an obstacle in your life, anything at all, find a BIG reason that will make it worthwhile fighting for a change. And yes, fight for, as in a war. Day to day, battle by battle, closer and closer to the goal of winning. Surround yourself with a positive support system and let go of everyone and everything that could steer you against your goals through negative talk, thinking, etc. This time - failing is just not an option. I can and I will do it!
The years go by fast, and we don’t get any younger, so don’t delay a big decision that can change your life. Find your reason for a positive change you need to make, have it as your daily mantra, own it and dedicate yourself to winning your happiness back.
Best wishes, and if you have comments/questions, please don’t hesitate getting in touch, Elie