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Elie klachkin
Apr 10, 20191 min read
Self-limiting thought is a temporary condition and not a fact.
Few weeks back, LS joined us for our weekly “Insights on the Run” event, when the topic was: Experiencing a Self-Limiting Thought – Does...
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Elie Klachkin
Mar 27, 20181 min read
How to make sure your decisions are based on your full potential?
Regardless of dilemma we are facing, decisions we make in life, are a direct derivative of the state of mind we are in when making a...
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Elie Klachkin
Mar 14, 20171 min read
Procrastination is just an old habit.
#careermanagement #jobsearch #stateofmind #sales
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Elie Klachkin
Apr 28, 20162 min read
True or False: Are Soft Skills is a Number One Criteria for Making a Hiring Decision?
Based on asking this question of 80 employers of small to mid-size companies, the overwhelming 63 of them said: True. If it’s so, why do...
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Elie Klachkin
Nov 18, 20152 min read
Recruiter’s Secret of Effective Resume Writing.
Writing an effective resume can be a nerve racking experience. Moreover, it is truly disappointing, when after spending all that time and...
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Elie Klachkin
Mar 4, 20152 min read
What are you afraid of?
A week ago, I published a workbook on the topic of how to choose a career direction, and I have promoted its existence over the social...
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Elie Klachkin
Jan 21, 20152 min read
Life lessons I have learned from my son.
After a long period of successful employment, my son decided to leave his job. As a traditional father, my alarms went off. Being aware...
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Elie Klachkin
Dec 7, 20141 min read
Don't go to Law School. There are too many lawyers. True or false?
What will be your response to this statement? While making a decision, an individual should ask herself/himself is why do I want to be a...
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Elie Klachkin
Nov 29, 20142 min read
Positive self talk is not effective when built on toxic foundation.
Why is it happening to me? All my friends seem to have it together, and me, the complete opposite. I feel lonely, desperate for a happy...
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Elie Klachkin
Nov 21, 20142 min read
The key to success is having a meaningful reason.
I have a confession to make: since I can remember myself, I was chubby. The one who could sprint for three feet but not run a distance,...
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Elie Klachkin
Nov 11, 20142 min read
There is so much more to you that you are not aware of.
We all know of somehow who in order to stand out in the sea of other qualified applicants, created a personal web page or a short video...
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Elie Klachkin
Aug 21, 20142 min read
How to Overcome a Job Search Related Road Block.
This blog post was inspired by a response I got to one of my previous posts, where a person who made a major move to a different country...
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Elie Klachkin
Aug 12, 20141 min read
How to Win a Lottery and Beyond.
This morning, as I was scanning the online sites to see what is going on in the world, came across a side item about a guy in Israel,...
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Elie klachkin
Jul 24, 20141 min read
Fake It Til You Make It.
Often a candidate will come out of an interview being sure that the s/he has the job “in the bag”, and yet, a week later, a short email...
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Elie Klachkin
Jul 20, 20142 min read
What is the most important strategy to achieve job security?
As the global economy and the job marketplace get very competitive, the topic is quickly gaining our attention. Some of the popular...
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Elie Klachkin
Jun 26, 20141 min read
How to win a job interview on the battlefield of soft skills?
You have been emailing resumes right and left to positions you felt are custom made for you, and yet, minimal response and just a few...
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Elie Klachkin
May 20, 20142 min read
How a small adjustment to your resume will make your phone ring.
You probably heard comments like: make your resume specific to the job you are applying for or customize each resume to the employer you...
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